How to Prepare to Bring a New Dog Home: Supplies and Tips

Bringing a new dog home, whether a puppy or an adult, is an exciting but possibly stressful situation. Your schedule will change, you’ll make adjustments around the home to fit your new companion, and the dynamic in a home or family may entirely change. To ease the transition, we’ve compiled a guide on what you’ll need before bringing your dog home.

At SoMo Farm & Ranch Supply, we pride ourselves on providing our knowledge of pets, livestock, and pet products so that you can make informed decisions.

Picking the Right Dog Food

Balancing the diets of our pets can be almost as difficult as our own. All dog breeds are different and thus have different dietary needs. A smaller dog may need to consume less food but needs dog food that is more nutrient dense so that what they eat provides for all of their needs. A bigger dog may need more food, but it doesn’t need to be so dense that you’re feeding them excess nutrients and putting them at risk of being overweight. 

SoMo Farm & Ranch stocks Victor Pet Food which carries over 20 varieties of pet food formulas. When in doubt, ask our experts which formula will be right for your dog, and get into a habit of restocking early. The dietary needs of a dog can change as they grow and get older, so it’s important to stay on top of it and use a brand that will follow you through every stage of your companion’s life. 

Related post: Why Victor Pet Food is the Top Dog Food Brand

Pet Care Checklist

Before coming home with your dog, double-check this list to make sure you have everything you need:

  • Food and water Bowls
  • Nail trimmer
  • Toothbrush or dental products
  • Pet bed
  • Toys
  • Grooming brush
  • Flea treatment
  • Stain remover
  • If Cage training, a cage

When buying a cage, the size of the cage should be about the length from the tip of your dog’s nose to its tail. If you know that your dog will be growing, consider preparing ahead of time with an adjustable cage.

Most Importantly, Research

While the guide we’ve provided should cover the basic supplies needed for bringing home a pet, we recommend doing extensive research on the breed of dog that you’ll be owning. From breed to breed, dogs can behave differently, grow differently, and require different types of care and consideration. Knowing the ins and outs of the breed is essential to training and care.

Stop by or Call Your Local Farm, Ranch & Pet Store

At SoMo Farm & Ranch Supply in Springfield, Missouri, we offer a wide variety of feed, supplements, supplies, and more for your livestock or pets

Call us at (417) 865-0312 and talk to us about what we have in stock.